The “official” birthday of the beer can is January 24, 1935. That’s the day cans of Krueger’s Finest Beer and Krueger’s Cream Ale first went on sale in Richmond, VA.
But the beer can really made its debut some 14 months earlier – just before the repeal of Prohibition. American Can Company had engineered a workable beer can.
All that was needed was a brewer willing to take the pioneering plunge. The Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company of Newark, NJ signed on the dotted line in November 1933.
By the end of that month, American had installed a temporary canning line and delivered 2,000 Krueger’s Special Beer cans, which were promptly filled with 3.2% Krueger beer – the highest alcohol content allowed at the time. Krueger’s Special Beer thus became the world’s first beer can.
The 2,000 cans of beer were given to faithful Krueger drinkers; 91% gave it thumbs up, and 85% said it tasted more like draft than bottled beer. Reassured by this successful test, Krueger gave canning the green light, and history was made.
See the entire History of the beer can in the BCCA's 85 Years of Canned Beer.