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The Denver Wright Hall of Fame was founded in 1983 as a means of honoring outstanding members of our club who contribute their time and efforts toward the advancement of the hobby either on a local or national level. Members who have unselfishly given their time and talents to the BCCA are nominated. Members honored as Collector of the Year prior to 1983 are also included. Nominees are submitted through BCCA local chapters.

Ernie Oest

#108 - 1972

Ernie began visiting breweries and collecting breweriana before a good many members were born. Starting in 1935, “Uncle” Ernie had visited every brewery in the United States and acquired one of the largest collections of breweriana during BCCA’s infancy. In his lifetime he realized every beer lover’s fantasy – owning his own beer museum and tap room. He amassed one of the largest label collections in the world and opened his collection to visitors to view as his own museum. From his travels, he was one of the most knowledgeable members of the BCCA on the subject of breweries and breweriana, both pre-Prohibition and post-Prohibition. Ernie passed away in January, 2000.

 Wright, Jr.

#1 - 1973

Denver was BCCA’s first president and member. He and five other beer can collectors founded the BCCA in 1970. He collected only full cans. His collection was kept in sealed cabinets and was known as The Denver Wright Foundation. He published the Ye Olde Foundation Herald depicting a list of all the beer cans in his collection and articles about friends and their collections. Denver was always willing to get involved with any activity that would promote beer can collecting, but more importantly he enjoyed beer can collectors. He attended every CANvention© until he passed away in 1982. The Denver Wright, Jr. Hall of Fame is named in honor of his memory.

Clay Tichelar

#701 - 1974

During Clay’s earlier membership years with the BCCA, he was one of the first members to give free flats of beer cans to new members. Because of his early 1970 beer can finds, the fabled Tiger and Rosalie cans were his discovery, which continue to be among the most sought-after cans in the hobby today. The second find was approximately 100 cone top quart and 12 oz varieties. They came from separate owners and were acquired from can companies during various production runs. Clay also performed philanthropic and beautification work with paint, he painted neighborhood garbage cans in logos of various beer cans. To many old timers, Clay is still remembered as Mr. Tiger and Rosalie.

Larry Wright

#2 - 1975

Larry received the first President’s award in 1975. One of the original six members, he was the coordinator, editor and publisher of the BCCA News Report in the early years, as well as being the second BCCA President. His unselfish contribution of valuable time during this formative period of the BCCA helped to lay the foundation for the association we have today. It was during his leadership that the BCCA has added chapters and the fast growth of the hobby that started the beer can fad of the late 1970s. Most of the earlier collectors remember him as one who would trade beer cans with anyone, particularly a new collector, not needing a can in return. Larry passed away in January 2000.

John Ahrens

#9 - 1976

John, active during the heyday years of the BCCA, served as a BCCA board member and was the chairman of the 1976 CANvention in Philadelphia. He also served as the Cincinnati CANvention co-chairman during 1973. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, John was the owner of the world’s largest collection at one time. He has since decreased the size of his collection. He continues to stay active in the beer can collecting hobby and charters annual foreign trips for the Bofferding Chapter. Today he continues to demonstrate his expertise in beer can collecting by sharing his knowledge of the hobby and conducting extensive research on a variety of styles and brands of beer. John has attended all BCCA CANventions.

Lew Cady

#98 - 1977

Our perennial photographer! Lew was a past membership and publicity chairman and suggested the name “CANvention.” He made numerous contributions including photography for the BCCA’s Guide to U.S. Beer Cans and published two editions of Beer Can Collecting in addition to writing a column for All About Beer magazine. He and Jim McCoy created humorous CANversations in the BCCA News Report during the 1980s and 1990s, helped form the Beer Song Collectors of America, and was a member of the Beer Cartoon Collectors Club. In 1985 he received the special President’s Award for his ten years of photographic service on the Brand Changes column. Lew attended all BCCA CANventions and was the BCCA photographer. Lew passed away in 2013.

Bill Christensen

#33 - 1978

Bill was a tireless contributor to the BCCA since its beginning. An advanced beer can collector since 1954, he was a two time BCCA board member, 20 years apart. Bill had been editor of the Can Close-Up column in the BCCA News Report and his contributions to the Beer Cans and Brewery Collectibles Magazine had led him to present a conetop can from his stock each year to a worthy magazine contributor. During his volunteer time with the BCCA leadership he continued to advance BCCA’s growth through international expansion. Bill was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as having the world’s largest collection of beer cans. He was no longer a member of the BCCA when he passed away in 2008.

Walt Hintz

#85 - 1978

Walt was one of the oldest BCCA members and had a large collection of beer cans and breweriana. He was a collector who drank very little beer but was very knowledgeable on the subject of beer and breweries of the Midwest. He is remembered as saying that his best source of cans has been through the mail and attending the BCCA CANventions©. Up until he passed away in 1987, Walt was an active trader and frequently went to trade sessions in his area and attended every CANvention. He was a generous trader and rarely ever turned down a trade. He was featured as Collector of the Issue in the May 1975 BCCA News Report.

Lonnie Smith

#99 - 1979

Lonnie was honored for his work as editor of the BCCA News Report for five years. He specialized in collecting one beer item (can or breweriana) from each brewery, pre-Prohibition and post-Prohibition, and has contributed a great deal to further the hobby of beer can and breweriana collecting. He has attended every BCCA CANvention. For many years after his editorship role with BCCA was over, Lonnie’s company in Denver, Colorado continued to print the BCCA News Report. Lonnie remains an active member of the Mile Hi and Columbine Chapters and continues to collect breweriana from around the world.

Jack Turner

#65 - 1980

Jack was a past BCCA Board member and was BCCA’s first CANvention Planner, a position he held for ten years. His tireless efforts on behalf of the BCCA made it much easier for those who attended the CANventions. Throughout his entire 30 years of collecting, he was an ambassador for BCCA’s membership growth and during its early years by helping new collectors obtain brewery collectibles from contacts he made over the years. He is well remembered for being one of the most selfless leaders and a friend in BCCA’s history. For his years of generosity, he received the special President’s Award in 1978. Jack passed away in November 2000.

Bob McClure

#104 - 1981

Bob served four years on the BCCA Board of Directors. He contributed regularly to the BCCA News Report and served for six years as Want Ad Bulletin editor of the BCCA News Report. Bob campaigned to promote the beer can collecting hobby more vigorously, which made the BCCA put aside its strong restrictions on buying and selling. This created additional resources to obtain new and younger beer can and breweriana collectors. He served as co-chairman for the Cincinnati CANvention and has attended all BCCA CANventions. He has been active with the Gambrinus Chapter in Ohio and served as their President. Bob passed away in 2017.

Herb Schwarz

#1922 - 1982

Herb was a member of the CANvention committee for six years prior to becoming CANvention Planner in 1982. He served as planner for over three years and also served as the BCCA historian and as a Board member. He has been instrumental in many committees dealing with finance and budgeting, which helped BCCA after the beer can collecting “fad era” was over. Herb held the position of BCCA Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President and President and served as the President’s assistant for several years. He is also a past President of the Big Beer Brotherhood Chapter. He was awarded the special President’s Award in 1996. He remains active and regularly attends board meetings today.

John Alt

#19 - 1983

John was an advanced beer can collector since the early 1960s and had over 7,000 beer cans in his collection. He was one of the BCCA’s first members, was one of the founders of the Simon Pure Chapter and became their first President in 1973. He was active in his local chapter since its inception. As a past avid trader over the years, he had helped many new and experienced collectors date and identify beer cans in their collections. His shared knowledge of breweries and their histories remain with the memories of many advanced collectors today. John passed away in 1985.

Jim McCoy

#136 - 1984

Jim was one of the founders of the Mile Hi Chapter in 1972. He chaired the BCCA CANvention in 1974, served as a national BCCA Board member in 1974 and 1975, published the Paper Label Update in the BCCA News Report until 1985 and authored the Brand Changes Column of the BCCA News Report for ten years. His leadership focused on three areas that continue to be BCCA’s main foundation: membership, magazine, and CANvention. He was honored for this contribution with the special President’s Award in 1985. Jim wrote the Chapter Brewings column in the magazine for many years. He has attended every BCCA CANvention and currently serves on the board of the Columbine Chapter.

Lou Capriotti

#408 - 1984

Lou has been President and Vice President of the Badger Bunch Chapter in Wisconsin. He was a longtime editor of the Badger Bunch Chapter’s newsletter, which benefited their growth years. He was a tireless contributor to the beer can and breweriana collecting hobby at both the national and local chapter levels and recruited many new members over the years. He served on the BCCA News Report staff as Want Ad Bulletin editor for over four years. He was instrumental in establishing the breweriana section to the Want Ads, and was awarded first place for International category display at CANvention 10 in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Jim Thole

#410 - 1985

Jim Thole is a BCCA Past President, Vice President and Treasurer. He is one of the driving forces “behind the scenes,” where he has volunteered as Finance Chairman and Can-Tote Chairman. Jim was responsible for obtaining the rights to the highly successful Can-Totes for the BCCA. In 1974-75, he was co-chair of the committee that assembled the BCCA’s first Beer Can Guide. He received the President’s Award in 1982. Jim headed both the Golden Anniversary Committee in 1984-85, and the 75th Anniversary Committee in 2009-2010. He currently serves on the Nominating Committee, and remains Chairman of the Finance Committee. He still attends BCCA Board meetings and remains active as an advisor to other committees.

Jack Isacson

#1213 - 1985

Jack has been an active BCCA member since 1972 and has a long list of accomplishments: chairman of CANvention © XII in Minneapolis, Fair Warning Chairman, editor of the Emporium column for four years, CANvention Planner for five years, Secretary, Vice President/Treasurer, and President in 1998. Jack has served on the Nominating Committee, as Hall of Fame/Can of the Year Chairman and on the magazine staff, and has been active with the North Star Chapter where he has held numerous positions. His volunteer services helped the chapter’s annual Guzzle ‘n Twirl show in Minnesota to become one of the hobby’s most highly attended breweriana shows in the country.

Martin Landey

#78 - 1986

Martin was an active member of the BCCA since 1971 when he served as a member of the BCCA Board of Directors, authored the composite of U.S. Beer Cans and served as U.S. Composite Chairman for theRoster. He is past President of the Pickwick Chapter. Due to Martin’s efforts the Composite of American Beer Cans has become a useful guide for identifying the majority of the beer cans published in the new U.S. Beer Cans book that was released in 2000. Martin’s composite listing is still used for locating beer cans not published in the book and was an instrumental guide for the new Tab Top beer can book. Martin passed away in 2021.

Marcia Butterbaugh

#6560 - 1987

Marcia joined the BCCA in 1975 and has been active in the hobby ever since. She was co-founder of the A-1 Chapter, served on the BCCA Board of Directors in 1978-79 and was the 1979 CANvention Chairperson in Phoenix. Marcia was the first female BCCA President, serving that position in 1985. Later she was Roster Chairperson and held various committee positions until 1993, when she because the editor of the BCCA’s News Report. Under her leadership she turned the publication into a full-color magazine, renaming it Beer Cans & Brewery Collectibles. She remained editor for 17 years. After retirement she was named Editor Emeritus. She received the President’s Award in 1992.

Ken Treml

#4934 - 1988

Ken is a co-founder and the first President of the Packer Chapter. He was editor of the chapter’s 6- Pack Report for 30 years, and was the originator and chairman of the Titletown Trade-A-Thon. Ken was editor of the BCCA News Report from 1984 to 1987. During his editorship years, he attracted numerous members to write personal columns for the News Report that not only entertained readers, but offered education in many areas of beer can and breweriana collection. Today Ken is active at the chapter level as Treasurer, Correspondent, and information director for the Packer Chapter, as well as President and newsletter editor for the Skedder Chapter.

Marcella Schinski

#3715 - 1989

Marcella was a BCCA member since 1974 and was active in the Gator Traders Chapter with her husband Bob. She was one of the founders and past President, Treasurer, Secretary, and newsletter editor of the chapter. At the national level Marcella was an active volunteer during CANvention 15. She served as the International Brand Changes column editor of Beer Cans and Brewery Collectibles from May 1977 to December 2006. Her work and interest in beer cans from other countries increased awareness of international beer cans among U.S. members and was instrumental in influencing international members to attend annual CANventions. Marcella received the special President’s award in 2007. Marcella passed away in 2014.

Warren Hardaker

#696 - 1990

Warren is the founder and #1 member of the Rusty Bunch Chapter, as well as a founder and longtime President of the 49er Chapter. He has belonged to the BCCA since 1973. He served twice on the BCCA Board of Directors and was the editor/ photographer of the Brand Changes column for the United States and Canada regions of the BCCA News Report and Beer Cans and Brewery Collectibles magazines. Warren’s database was used for brewery brand information for the United States Beer Cans book. His displays in the dumper category were awarded first place at four CANventions. Warren passed away in 2012.

Tobi Hicks

#586 - 1991

Tobi has been a BCCA member since 1972 and served two terms on the BCCA Board before becoming Treasurer, Secretary and then President in 1992. She also served as the President’s assistant, as Nominating Committee Chairperson and as advertising chairperson for the News Report. She spearheaded the publishing of the BCCA book, American Beer Cans 1975- 1988. Tobi has been very active in the Heart of Illinois, Playboy, Big Beer Brotherhood and Pabst Blue Ribbon Chapters and was editor of the Pabst Blue Ribbon newsletter for many years. She is currently co-chair of the Nominating Committee and is Curator of the BCCA Operations Manual. Tobi received the President’s Award in 1996. Tobi passed away in 2023 and later that year the "Don Hicks Presidential Award" was renamed the "Don and Tobi Hicks Presidential Award".

Henry Herbst

#70 - 1992

Hank first aided Denver Wright, Jr. in preparing the history of the first CANvention in 1971. He has served as Board member, Secretary, Vice President and was President of the BCCA in 1974. He was editor of the Beer Can, the U.S. Composite and has been active in St. Louis area chapters, as well as a founding member and officer of the Tontine Chapter, which is noted for having a declining membership. In four decades of service to the BCCA, Hank served on the Nominating Committee and attended all of the BCCA CANventions. He was a regular columnist in the BCCA’s magazine for nearly three decades. Henry passed away in 2009.

Bruce Gregg

#248 - 1993

Bruce was Chairman of CANvention VII in Kansas City. He served three terms as a BCCA Board member and was Secretary of the BCCA for two years before becoming the Vice President and President in 1990. He regularly attends BCCA board meetings and serves as Parliamentarian. He is also a member of the BCCA Finance and Nominating Committees. Being a Tontine member, Bruce has attended all CANventions. He is one of the founding fathers of KC's Best Chapter and held every officer position. As Committee chairman, Bruce was a driving force in the publishing of the BCCA’s USBC Vol. 1. He remains chairman of the Beer Can Book Committee and is currently developing USBC supplements. He received the President’s Award in 2000.

Don Hicks

#16600 - 1994

Since joining the BCCA in 1976, Don served two terms on the Board of Directors, followed by holding the positions of Treasurer, Secretary, Vice-President and, in 1991, President. Don was appointed CANvention © Planner in 1993. He served as the Business Manager for Beer Cans & Brewery Collectibles and was on the BCCA Nominating Committee. He established the “Mailfast” mailing service for international members and secured BCCA’s CANvention cans and brewery donations for many CANventions. His “1+1 in 91” campaign helped BCCA’s membership increase that year. Don was President of three chapters. He received the President’s Award in 1994, and after passing away in 2008 the award was renamed the “Don Hicks Presidential Award” in his honor. The award was once again renamed in 2023 to the "Don and Tobi Hicks Presidential Award".

Marcia Sticht

#460 - 1995

A BCCA member since 1972, Marcia attended 25 consecutive CANventions. She was elected to the BCCA Board of Directors and served four 2-year terms. As President of the Lake Erie Chapter for 13 years, this elder stateswoman helped form the chapter and managed to keep it active during difficult times. Marcia and her husband P.J. generously provided each outgoing BCCA president with the Past President’s Traveling Plaque. She and P.J. were frequent attendees at local shows and board meetings. She also attended many trade sessions around the country. Marcia passed away in 1999.

Dick Adamowicz

#344 - 1996

Dick was instrumental in the formation of the Hall of Fame voting concept and has served on the BCCA Board of Directors. He founded the Playboy Chapter, the Big Beer Brotherhood, and the Buckeye Chapter and is still an active member in Buckeye as well as in Stroh’s Fire Brewed and the Rusty Bunch. Dick is a constant contributor to chapter newsletters and publications. Affectionately known as “Mr. Dumper,” Dick has made a video for the BCCA of dumping and cleaning cans and is respected for his dedication and knowledge of the dumping aspect of collecting.

Shar Kielack

#7799 - 1996

Shar joined the BCCA in 1975 and has been a tireless worker for the hobby on both the local and national level. Shar was elected a BCCA Board Member in 1987. She served as Supplies Chairperson for two years and in 1992 was nominated BCCA Secretary. Following the Vice President position, she became the third female to hold the position of President. She then chaired the Nominating Committee in 1995. For many years Shar was a member of the BCCA News Report staff and was editor of the Tooner Schooners column. On the local level, Shar has served as President of the Westmont Stroh’s and Bullfrog Chapters.

Will Hartlep

#3109 - 1997

Will is an active BCCA member both at the national and local level. He is past President of the Olde Frothingslosh and Fort Pitt Chapters, and was Vice President of the Big Beer Brotherhood. He served on the BCCA Board of Directors in 1981-1982 and 1995-1996. Will became the Eastern Correspondent for the BCCA News Report in 1980, designed many CANvention commemorative cans, and continued as a staff member of Beer Cans & Brewery Collectibles as editor of the Last Call column through 1994. As a member of the Golden Anniversary Committee in 1985, he researched, wrote and co-edited the BCCA Golden Anniversary Special Edition News Report.

Ron Jones

#1236 - 1998

A member of the BCCA since the early 1970s, Ron continues to devote his time and efforts to seeing that others enjoy the hobby. Ron was an active correspondent for the Windy City Chapter, which started in 1974. In 1978 Ron became a member of the CANvention Rules and Action Committee. Ron was CANvention Chairman in 1981 for the Chicago CANvention and served two full terms on the Board of Directors as well as an other 1 1 ⁄ 2 years when the need arose. Ron was President of the Bullfrog Chapter and served as a can scout for the Beer Can Book committee. You can still find Ron at CANventions with a two-way radio in hand to make sure the CANvention runs smoothly while everyone else is having a good time.

Rusty Wyar

#666 - 1998

Rusty has been active in the BCCA at both the national and chapter levels since joining the BCCA in 1972. As one of the founding members of the Gator Traders he served several terms as President and in other chapter capacities including editor of the chapter newsletter, Gator Tales. Rusty was CANvention Chairman in 1985 and later served one term on the Board of Directors. Rusty served on the Roster staff for a number of years. Other contributions include three years as BCCA Historian, Chairman of the Audit, Visual Communications, Hall of Fame and Nominating Committees as well as serving as Secretary, Vice President/ Treasurer, President and past President. Rusty passed away on May 9th, 2022.

Jim Mitchell

#1546 - 1999

Jim joined the BCCA in early 1973 while living in Illinois and attended his first CANvention that fall and all CANventions since. In 1976, he helped found the Prison City Chapter and served as one of its officers and as editor of its newsletter, Yardbird’s Grapevine, until he moved to New Jersey in 1984. In 1990, Jim was the Jersey Shore’s Display Chairman for its CANvention XX. He also served in that capacity at CANvention XXIII in New Or leans. Jim was BCCA’s Membership/Promotion Chairman for seven years. He liked working with displays and served as the BCCA’s Display Coordinator from 1998 to 2006. Jim passed away in 2013.

Dick Johnson

#9492 - 2000

Dick joined the BCCA in 1976 while living in Westmont, Illinois. He was the founder of Westmont Stroh’s Chapter in 1978 and was instrumental in building it as one of the largest chapters in the BCCA. He has been a member of at least 17 different chapters. Dick has been involved with the BCCA for over 35 years, serving as a Board member, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, and President, followed by one more year as a Board member. He worked on the 1981 Chicago CANvention © and served as the chairman of the 1999 CANvention in Tempe, Arizona. Dick served ten years on the CRAC committee until 1999. Behind the scenes, Dick is known for his many years serving on the Nominating Committee. Dick passed away in 2022.

Dave Lang

#83 - 2001

Dave has been collecting since 1962. In 1970, he was one of the founding members of the East Coast Breweriana Association where he served as an officer for six years. Dave has also held officer positions in the Genesee Valley, the Pickwick, and the Rusty Bunch Chapters. Dave’s primary contributions to the hobby are his chronicles of dumping expeditions in the New England states, which include regular columns in the Rusty Bunch Chapter newsletter. His many dumping experiences have led him to discover beer cans and variations that previously were unknown to collectors. In 1999, Dave joined the Beer Cans and Brewery Collectibles staff as editor of the Beer Can Archaeology column. Dave passed away in 2023.

Rich La Susa

#609 - 2002

Rich has been a beer can and breweriana collector since 1968 and a BCCA member since 1972. On the national level, he served as a coordinator of the U.S. Breweries Composite in the BCCA Roster. He was a BCCA Board member from 1991 to 1993. During the 1970s and 1980s he served in numerous capacities: Member of the advisory committee and a contributing editor of The 50th Anniversary of the Beer Can; CANvention display judge; and CANvention media coordinator. He was also co-author of BCCA’s The Beer Can book. Rich is a member of over ten BCCA chapters and editor of the Playboy Chapter’s newsletter. He is a regular contributor to the BCCA’s magazine.

John Vetter

#369 - 2003

John has been active in the BCCA since the formative years. He has attended all BCCA CANventions except the first. He served on the BCCA Board and as International Can Composite Editor during the mid 1970s, and he was the BCCA Roster Chairman for six years in the 1980s. John was the founder of the Capitol City Chapter, serving as President during its first years. He recently compiled the New Who’s Who in Brew, a composite listing of over 7,000 brewery brands names, including approximate years of usage during 1933 through 1990. In recent years he has concentrated on collecting beer crowns and has amassed over 15,000 U.S. crowns to accompany his 10,000 beer cans. John passed away in 2020.

Art Zerby

#7536 - 2004

Art joined the BCCA in 1975 after having collected since 1972. He has been active in the Gambrinus Chapter as President, Secretary and newsletter editor. He served as the BCCA Historian and was the National Supply Chairman from 1999-2008. He belongs to many chapters and was co- founder of the Falstaff At-Large Chapter. Art has attended all CANventions since 1976 and was very involved with the Columbus CANvention. Art also serves on the Nominating Committee and has been on the BCCA Board of Directors from 1989–1992, in 1997, 2002–2003, and 2012–2013. He was President of the BCCA in 1996 after serving as Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Art passed away in 2017.

Dick Hancock

#11577 - 2005

Dick began collecting in 1975 and had been active on both the local and national levels ever since. He held all offices in the Goebel Gang Chapter and had been a BCCA Board member for two terms, 1993-94 and 1996-97. He was a CANvention Display Coordinator for one year and obtained the display awards for eight years. He also served as National Supply Chairman for three years. Dick was the BCCA office carpenter. He built the archive storage area, the can display case and the shelving for the warehouse, and made the frames for the president’s photo gallery. Dick served on the United States Beer Book committee, building the photo boxes used for photographing the more than 7,000 beer cans pictured in the book. Dick passed away in 2005.

Harry Keithline

#23 - 2006

Harry has been a member of the BCCA since shortly after its inception, as evidenced by his low BCCA number. Harry has served two terms as a BCCA Board member and is past chairman of the BCCA membership committee. He chaired a committee for the BCCA’s CANvention XXV in St. Louis. He was editor of the Gateway chapter’s Can- O-Gram and is one of the original Board members of the Gateway Chapter. He was chairman of the chapter’s annual summer show and named it Swap-A-Rama. He is also a member of several BCCA at-large chapters. Harry’s willingness to party earned him the nickname, “The Sober One.” Harry passed away in 2017.

Bob Campbell

#1178 - 2007

Bob joined the BCCA in 1973 and has been active on both the local and national levels since then. Bob was one of the co-founders of the North Star Chapter and its annual Guzzle ‘n Twirl show. He served several terms on the Chapter board and as an officer and is a member of other chapters including several at-large chapters. He served as Audit Committee Chairman for nearly 25 years, was Finance Committee Chairman for several years and CANvention Planner for a number of years. Bob was President in 2002. He received the President’s Award in 2004.

Mike England

#3260 - 2008

Mike began collecting in 1975 at 13. Since 1991, he has specialized in flats, cones and breweriana from Iowa and bordering states. Mike has been the Computer Committee Chairperson since 1996 and a member of the Board of Directors for two consecutive terms. He has held all BCCA officer positions. He currently serves as the Beer Coordinator on the CANvention Committee. He designed the office membership database program and manages the BCCA office computers. Mike designed one of the BCCA’s first websites, served as a display judge and contributed material to the magazine and to both volumes of the USBC books. He brought the new Aluminum Bottle and 24 oz. can totes to reality. Mike is a member of several Midwest chapters. He received the Presidential Award in 2011.

Rayner Johnson

#10176 - 2008

Rayner is best known for chairing the annual Blue-Gray show in Fredericksburg, VA for over 28 years. It is one of the most successful can and breweriana shows in the country. Ray spent eight years on the BCCA’s CANvention © Committee and served as a BCCA Board member in 1981-82 and 2012-13. In 1985 Ray co-chaired the celebration of the beer can’s 50th anniversary. In over 32 years he has attended all but four CANventions. Rayner is a member of the Capitol City and Richbrau chapters, where he has held various positions over the years. He began collecting in 1975 and joined the BCCA in 1976. Ray passed away in 2017.

Tom Hull

#13294 - 2009

Tom’s dedication to the hobby and BCCA has spanned more than 30 years. He joined the BCCA in 1977. He was Co-Editor and Technical Consultant for the USBC Vol II, which encompassed over seven years of work and demonstrates Tom as a hobby expert. He spent five years as the Emporium Editor for the BCCA’s magazine and has served on the BCCA Board of Directors. He joined the Progress Chapter in 1977 and was chapter President for 20 years, Vice President for three years and newsletter editor for 26 years. He travels to can and breweriana shows all over the country, is a member of 14 BCCA chapters, and specializes in collectibles from Hull’s Brewery. Tom received the Don Hicks Presidential Award in 2009. Tom passed away in 2023.

Dave Gausepohl

#22473 - 2010

"Beer Dave" has been active in the hobby since age nine and joined the BCCA in 1980. He has been President and newsletter editor of the Queen City Chapter for 20+ years. He has worked in the brewing industry ever since he reached legal drinking age and is considered an ambassador for all things beer throughout the Midwest. He was CANvention 32 Chairman in Lexington, KY in 2002 and served as BCCA President in 2005. In 2007 Dave was elected to the Board of Directors and also became CANvention Planner. He received the Presidential Award in 2010. Dave belongs to over a dozen chapters, attends20+ shows annually, and is an avid brewery historian. He has visited over 1,800 U.S. breweries

Grace Fisgus

#15122 - 2011

Grace has been a member of the BCCA since 1978. She is active in both the Mile Hi and Columbine Chapters, served as President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer of the Mile Hi Chapter, is on the Columbine Chapter’s Board of Directors and is editor of the Columbine Brewgle newsletter. She also belongs to the Small Suds Sisters and Laphroaig chapters. Grace coordinated Foreign Brand Changes Vol. One and has served as Editorial Coordinator for the Brand News section of Beer Cans & Brewery Collectibles magazine, was BCCA’s Roster Editor in 1996 and 1997, and was editor of the BCCA Membership Roster and Resource Guide from 2005 to 2016. In addition to brewery collectibles, she treasures the friends made in the club.

Kenn Flemmons

#21489 - 2012

Kenn has a longtime dedication to the BCCA and breweriana collecting. He was CANvention 28 Chairman in Little Rock, and served as Secretary, VP/Treasurer and BCCA president from 1999-2001. Kenn was the BCCA’s first Internet chairman and helped develop the Corporate Sponsorship program. Kenn has been very involved with the BCCA magazine, serving as Business Manager, Advertising Manager, and writing numerous articles including editing the Chapter Brewings column. He was a can scout for both volumes of United States Beer Cans. Kenn authored the book Finest Beer You Ever Tasted about the Tennessee Brewing Company, and has presented several seminars in support of the BCCA’s nonprofit educational status. He has served as President and newsletter editor of the Ar-Can-Sas Chapter.

Bob Kay

#2911 - 2012

Bob joined BCCA in 1972. His interest in all types of breweriana, especially labels and brewery histories, prompted him to write on various aspects of collecting. His first book, in 1980, was about mini beer bottles. He has written a series of books on U.S. beer labels. He hopes these books, along with his website, will help document the various brands produced by the early breweries, be of value to current collectors, and help draw new collectors. Bob wrote the Label Lore column for Beer Cans & Brewery Collectibles as well as label columns and brewery histories for other organizations. While Bob appreciates the “finds” accumulated, he most cherishes the friendships developed and feels the clubs and chapters are a rich source of friendships that are everlasting. Bob passed away on January 15th, 2018.

Bill Boyles

#1454 - 2013

Bill began collecting beer cans in 1967 and joined the BCCA in 1973. He was a founding member of the KC’s Best Chapter in 1974 and held every chapter officer and board position. He worked on the 1977 and 2006 Kansas City CANventions, became a BCCA Board member in 2009, served in BCCA officer positions and became President in 2012. Bill facilitated redesigning the BC CA website to make it more useful and beneficial to members, publicized BCCA, and promoted the BCCA’s involvement in the Brewery Collectibles World Convention. Bill also belongs to seven other chapters and supports them by attending as many of their shows as he can. In Bill’s words, “The friendships you make with fellow collectors are the biggest reward you can earn in this hobby.”

Joe Germino

#24997 - 2014

Joe has been a member of the Jersey Shore Chapter since 1977, and has served as President, newsletter editor and 1990 CANvention Chairman. Joe joined the BCCA in 1978 and was BCCA President in 2008. He served 9 years on the CANvention Committee, managing registration and procuring beer for Micro Night. He helps organize the BCCA Golf Invitational and the Jersey Shore Chapter’s highly successful themed hospitality room parties. Joe proposed changing the BCCA “President’s Award” to the “Don Hicks Presidential Award” and was instrumental in producing the United States Beer Cans Volume 2 Tab Top Cans book. While President, he attended 38 shows and was the first BCCA president to travel to an Australian Beer Can Collectors Association CANathon.

Mark Crane

#15584 - 2015

Mark began collecting beer cans in 1969 as a very young teenager. He discovered the BCCA in 1977 and has been a member ever since. He helped found the Ar-Can-Sas chapter in 1978. He became Advertising Chairman in 1998 and has been involved with all of the ads in Beer Cans & Brewery Collectibles, the Roster, and on the BCCA website, generating more than $120,000 in advertising revenue as of 2015. Mark has served on the BCCA Board of Directors, and as a member of the CANvention Planning Committee oversees all aspects of registration, trade table assignments, and other duties required for a successful CANvention. Mark serves on other BCCA committees, helps on special projects, and serves as CANvention liaison for the Rusty Bunch chapter

John Fatura

#27479 - 2016

John started collecting cans in 1978 and organized local beer and soda can shows with a fellow collector. He joined the Michigan Chapter in the early eighties and was its newsletter editor for several years. He was elected MMC President in 2004 and still holds that position. He joined the BCCA in 1989 and has attended the past twenty CANventions. He’s a member of a dozen BCCA chapters. John was elected to the BCCA Board in 2005. He then served as Secretary, Vice President/Treasurer and then President for 2009-2010. John championed cost saving projects and implemented an improved BCCA office management system. He continued the next year as Board Member/Past President, Finance Committee member and Nominating Committee recruiter. He still serves as a Nominating Committee advisor. John managed the completion of the BCCA Office Manager Handbook and was also on the committee to re-write the BCCA Operations Manual. He’s worked several years with the Ball Corporation to obtain CANvention commemorative cans. John is a BCCA U.S. Brewery Listing scout. He attended the first Brewery Collectibles World Convention in Slovakia in, was appointed BCCA liaison for BCWC 2 in Milwaukee and is an advisor to the BCWC World Executive Committee for BCWC 3 in Poland in 2017.

Joe Radman

#6898 - 2017

Joe began collecting beer cans in 1975 and attended his first CANvention in Philadelphia in 1976. He’s proudly attended 33 CANventions, 26 consecutively. In 1978, he was one of the five founders of the Jersey Shore Chapter, and has served as both treasurer and secretary for the past 40 years, as well as the Chapter’s newsletter editor for five years. He has been a member of five other chapters, and was President of the Merry Bocksters Chapter for two years. Joe has been a CANvention display judge, worked display security and the BCCA national sales table. Joe has been instrumental in planning many chapter events. His involvement with the East Coast Beer Can Swap Weekend led to the chapter placing a winning bid for the 1990 CANvention in Newark, NJ. Other events include the Jersey Shore Chapter Friday night hospitality event for the past 30 years, and the Jersey Shore Chapter sales table joining fellow chapter members informing potential 50/50 winners by shouting out, "You Can Win...!" The object was always to have fun and enjoy camaraderie. His collection of Ruppert Knickerbocker items is extensive and he continues to enjoy collecting and trading.

Keith Bennett

#30861 - 2017

Keith Bennett #30861, Eastwood, Australia Australia’s Keith Bennett joined the BCCA in the mid-2000s, but had been an active collector of beer and brewery collectibles since 1978. A born organizer, his 30 years of collecting and show coordination have allowed him to be of great assistance to the BCCA and to many chapters. Keith has been president of the BCCA’s Kangaroo Chapter for the past nine years and is the editor of the chapter’s magazine. Keith is the coordinator of the annual Kangaroo Chapter “Log Hop,” which brings many Australian BCCA members to the U.S. yearly to attend CANvention. He is a member of six BCCA Chapters and travels from Australia to attend many shows. He’s been Hospitality Room Coordinator at the Western States Beer Show in Las Vegas, and is an active member of the Rusty Bunch Chapter where he is moderator of the Continental Can Company database for Plants and Locations of Buildings on the Rusty Bunch website. As the Australasian Executive Council member of the Brewery Collectibles World Convention (BCWC), Keith assisted in the coordination of the BCCA CANvention 45/2BCWC event in Milwaukee. He’s been the official Australian transportation provider for three BCCA Presidents during their Australian tours.

Jim Wolf

#16033 - 2018

Jim began collecting cans and breweriana in 1974, joining the BCCA in 1977. He soon became actively involved with several chapters, served as president of the Capitol City and Big Beer Brotherhood chapters, and remains a chapter officer and newsletter editor of the Capitol City and No Opener Needed chapters. Through involvement with the Capitol City chapter, he has attended every Blue Gray Show since the beginning of that annual event. As an avid can collector, he volunteered as a can scout for the 1990 BCCA Catalog of American Beer Cans, and then performed the same role for the team during production of Volume I of United States Beer Cans, the flat/cone book. An early volunteer for Volume II, the tab top book, he served as contributing editor. Now that the BCCA is taking the project of documenting cans into the digital realm, he is working as the Volume II coordinator for the online USBC Supplement. He can be seen at many shows and CANventions with the traveling photo box, and has taken thousands of can photos to date. Jim served on the BCCA Board of Directors for 10 years, and has attended 35 CANventions, including every CANvention since 1987. A member of the supply committee, Jim ensures that BCCA supplies are available for sale at many shows in the eastern U.S. A big fan of brewery history, Jim recently co-authored a two volume history of the brewing industry in Western Maryland.

George Miller

#17782 - 2019

George started to collect beer cans in the mid 1970s and was one of the founding members of the CANecticut Red Fox Chapter, in which he has held every office. He's currently newsletter editor for the Craft Brewery Collectibles Chapter and the Big Beer Brotherhood Chapter. He's been an active BCCA member since 1978, served on the BCCA Board of Directors from 2004 to 2006, and co-edits the United States Brewery List on the BCCA website. He's written numerous articles for the BCCA magazine. While attending the last 43 consecutive CANventions he's been a display judge, Micro Night organizer, supply table volunteer, and one of the organizers of the annual full can/bottle swap. He's promoted the hobby and the BCCA by setting up breweriana displays at libraries, liquor stores and beer festivals and has presented seminars on collecting, cans and canning at a BCCA CANvention, a book signing, and a senior citizens home. George has provided articles, text and images for several books, magazines and newspaper articles promoting the BCCA and breweriana collecting. George was the recipient of the first annual CANecticut Red Fox Chapter Hall of Fame Award. George enjoys travel and visiting breweries and brewpubs, having visited more than 3500 breweries around the world while spreading the joy of the BCCA.

Robert Fondren

#14138 - 2020

Robert started collecting beer cans and joined the BCCA in 1977. He specializes in collecting zip top cans and bock cans. He is also an avid collector of craft brewery coasters and has visited over 2500 breweries across the world. Robert went to his first CANvention in 1979 and has been to 39 in total. He has been President of six BCCA Chapters: Capitol City, Richbrau, Rusty Bunch, Merry Bocksters, No Opener Needed and Big Beer Brotherhood. Robert was a contributing editor to Volume II of United States Beer Cans, the “tab top book”, working closely with Tom Hull, Kevin Burrus and Jim Wolf. He is still a member of the Product Development Committee and contributes to the United States Beer Cans Volumes I and II online supplements. Robert was first elected to the BCCA Board of Directors in 2008. He served as BCCA Secretary in 2011, Vice President in 2012 and President in 2013. He completed his terms on the BCCA Board in 2014. He is currently Chairman of the BCCA Roster Committee and the Hall of Fame/Can of the Year Committee. What Robert appreciates the most about the BCCA is his lifelong friendships with members from across the world.

Don Hardy

#3648 - 2020

Don has been collecting beer cans and breweriana since 1969. He joined the BCCA in 1974 and registered for his first CANvention in 1975. He has attended every one since, with this year's being his 45th in a row. Don was a prominent member of the now disbanded Blue Room Chapter in Sycamore, Illinois, BCCA Chapter #7. In 1978 Don, Dick Johnson and Dave Nyhlen formed the Westmont Stroh's Chapter #74 that just had its 42nd anniversary. Don has served 2 terms as a BCCA board member, in 1989 and 2019. In 2020 Don became the current Secretary. Don is also very active in Chicagoland Microbreweries. He runs a Facebook group with over 9,000 members called "Chicago Area Microbreweries" and has been the Brewery Ambassador for Urban Legend/Myths & Legends and now Whiskey Hill Brewing. Today Don mainly collects Meister Brau and Peter Hand Breweriana and a few Chicago related things. He is considered one of the main go-to collectors for knowledge of Meister Brau/Peter Hand brewery history. Don is just honored to be even considered as a nominee with all these outstanding members listed on this page.

Kevin Kious

#29100 - 2020

Kevin attended his first BCCA show in 1992 and joined the BCCA shortly thereafter. His first CANvention was in 1995 and he has missed only two since. He joined the Gateway Chapter in 1995 and has been on its board of directors for the past two decades, the last few years as treasurer. Kevin has been Gateway’s Can-A-Gram newsletter editor since 2000. He served two terms on the BCCA board of directors from 1999-2003. During that time he became BCCA historian/librarian, a role in which he still serves. Kevin has co-written numerous feature articles for the Beer Cans & Brewery Collectibles magazine and currently writes the book review column for that publication. He has also co-authored three books on St. Louis brewing history. Kevin sponsored a show in his hometown for five years, and currently runs the fall show in Belleville, IL, an event that last year featured 275 tables and 500 walk-ins. In addition to his efforts as a volunteer, since 2010 he has been employed by the BCCA as its office manager. He is an active collector of Southern Illinois and horse-racing breweriana.

Jack McDougall

#12357 - 2020

Jack began collecting beer cans in 1973, soon after meeting his future wife, Janet (BCCA #35000). Janet's nephews, Craig and Paul had just started collecting beer cans themselves. The idea of collecting cans appealed to Jack. So he began picking up six packs of brands unavailable in New Hampshire, where the boys lived. Jack would open the cans (from the top, of course), drink what was consumable, send one up to the boys, and keep one for himself. The rest he would toss out. After all, nobody else collected beer cans! Right? Wrong! Over the next few years, Jack went on collecting this way, blissfully unaware of what was going on around him. For Christmas, 1976, one of the gifts Janet gave Jack was a book: the BCCA Guide to US beer cans. Jack’s first reaction was, OMG! there are thousands of collectors out there, and they’ve got a club! So after he recovered from his shock, Jack joined the BCCA. When his first News Report arrived, Jack saw a trade session (Superswap) would soon be held at the Princeton day school, sponsored by the Garden State Chapter. Jack and Janet got to the show and couldn’t believe their eyes, with over 400 table spaces, 4 feet per person, and trade only. Jack had only a minimal trade stock, but would end up with more than 30 new cans that day. Jack joined the chapter that day, and is a member still. By the following year, Jack had attended his first CANvention, in Milwaukee. He has only missed one since. (Yeah, it was the following year, in Phoenix!) over the years, Jack has been a member of numerous chapters, both local and at-large, and of other national breweriana clubs. He wrote two columns for the BCCA over the years: View from a Different Angle and Brewer’s Journal. For the past 15 years, Jack has provided good old rock and roll for the Jersey Shore Chapter's Hospitality nights on Friday nights of CANvention. And, as Jack has stated many times over the years, the best friends he has ever made are fellow collectors.

Larry Handy

#947 - 2021

Larry began collecting beer cans in the spring of 1970, discovered the BCCA and joined just after the 1972 CANvention. He attended his first of 42 CANventions in Cincinnati at age 17. He hosted the first gathering of BCCA collectors on the East Coast in June 1973, establishing both the Horlacher and Greater Delaware Valley Chapters. A winner of the Bill Christensen award for magazine contributions, he has submitted numerous articles to the BCCA’s magazine, as well as other hobby publications. Larry participated in eight CANvention displays, was active in promoting the 2010 CANvention and served as the event’s chairman. Larry joined ECBA in 1979 and became a driving force within the club. He served as President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary and was editor of “The Keg” for 16 years. He is an ECBA “Hall of Foam” inductee, a current ABA member and was instrumental in the recent merger of ECBA and ABA. Larry has organized as many as eight shows every year, including the legendary Downingtown/ Valley Forge shows. In 1999 he staged the first combined Breweriana Show/Beer Festival with Henry Ortlieb. Larry stepped in and took over management of the Blue-Gray Show after the untimely death of founder Ray Johnson. Larry co-hosts a second large annual East Coast show, the Spring Thaw, plus chapter shows and events for the Horlacher Chapter. Larry has organized exhibits at the National Brewery Museum in Potosi, WI and at several museums in Pennsylvania.

Dave Launt

#11325 - 2021

Dave is one of the founders of the Patrick Henry Chapter, and has served twice as the Chapter president. He also belongs to the Goebel Gang and Rusty Bunch chapters. As Rusty Bunch member #8, he served a term as president, and has written many articles for Rustlings and was inducted into the Rusty Bunch Hall of Fame in 2013. He has also been an editor for the Goebel Gang and Patrick Henry Chapters. Dave has written many articles for Beer Cans & Brewery Collectibles and is currently co-author of the “New York, New York” series. Dave was a BCCA Board member in 1998-1999 and served a partial term in 2009. As a member of the Michigan Cansortium that helped host CANvention 18, Dave organized and presented the winning bid for Grand Rapids. Dave is also the Correspondent for the Hospitality At-Large Chapter. Dave specializes in collecting NY Breweriana, with focus on ball knobs, tin-over-cardboard, reverse glass, and pre-Pro corner signs, as well as lithos. Dave joined the BCCA in 1976. Dave passed away in 2022.

Greg Lenaghan

#16401 - 2021

Greg began collecting beer cans in 1974 after moving to Springfield. He played softball and baseball in the city leagues, and the team would go to his house after games and drink beer. Teammates brought different beers, and Greg would save the empties and pick up others at flea markets. He joined the BCCA in 1978. During the 1980s and 1990s, family commitments and coaching the kids in their athletic endeavors made collecting difficult to pursue. Greg became active again in the late 1990s, attending shows in Springfield and St. Louis. He’s been to every CANvention since Charlotte (2005), and was local liaison for CANvention 39 in Springfield. Greg served on the BCCA Board of Directors from 2007-2017. He was a member of the national Marketing Committee for about ten years and chaired the Corporate Membership Committee for six years. He belongs to over 10 chapters and is also a scout for the U.S. Brewery List. A founding member of the Reisch Brew Crew Chapter, Greg has been its president for the the last thirteen years. He coordinates three displays the Reisch Brew Crew maintains in the National Brewery Museum in Potosi, WI.

John Feinen

#8184 - 2022

John joined the BCCA in 1975 and has been to every CANvention since 1977. In 1992, he was elected president of the Westmont Stroh’s Chapter and served until 1999. In 2000, he became the editor of the Westmont Stroh’s newsletter, Stroh’s Streaker, and still writes the newsletter today. He served as a BCCA Board member from 1999 -2003 and is currently on the Board. While attending all CANventions, he takes the time to help with hosting activities: manning the supply table, securing the trade floor, and setting up for craft night. He was a CANvention display judge from 2008 – 2014. He is currently the BCCA Supply Chairman. John is active in all the Chicago area Chapters: Westmont Stroh’s, Bullfrog, Windy City, and Prison City. He tries to help out wherever he can and is always promoting the hobby. If he sees a new face, he makes the effort to stop and meet them, find out what they collect and how they found out about the BCCA. He then introduces them to collectors who have similar interests. He encourages other members to do the same.

Tom Legeret

#2179 - 2022

Tom started collecting in 1969 and joined the BCCA in 1974. After a move back to Michigan, he was introduced to the Patrick Henry Chapter in Kalamazoo. He was active in that chapter for over 30 years, including as an Officer and Newsletter Editor. Tom was elected to the BCCA Board of Directors in 2013 and became President at the Portland CANvention for 2016-2017. During his tenure, the BCCA cut printing costs dramatically and introduced the first video BOD meeting. As President he had the privilege of participating in a near record 43 chapter shows in three countries and 16 states. Tom and his wife also attended the first three Brewery Collectibles World Conventions - serving as the BCCA representative at the Convention in Poland. After his term ended, he took over the BCCA policy curator duties and issued a complete rewrite of the Policy Manual in 2019. He continues to maintain the manual and has attended almost all of the BOD meetings since to keep abreast of any changes. After a move to Tennessee, Tom and his wife revived the Smoky Mountain Chapter. The Chapter has been well received and they have recruited several new members to the BCCA.

Terry Scullin

#1041 - 2022

Bio to come.


Allan  Aprea
#10480 - 2023
Allan started collecting beer cans and joined the BCCA in 1976.  He concentrates on 12 oz NJ cans and tab tops. He also collects Krueger breweriana and craft brewery coasters. Allan went to his first CANvention in NJ in 1990 and has been to 28 since.  He has attended the last four BCWC conventions, looking to expand BCCA’s international reach.  He is active in several chapters and was President of the Jersey Shore Chapter prior to being elected to the BCCA Board of Directors in 2011.

Allan served as BCCA Secretary in 2014, VP/Treasurer in 2015, and President in 2016, concluding his board service in 2018.  While President, Allan was able to facilitate improvements several critical BCCA operations, including the magazine, the website, and product development.  He is currently chair of the Strategic Planning Committee.  To Allan, the greatest benefit of BCCA membership is the lifelong friendships that he has garnered with people around the world.


John  Kottemann
#20507 - 2023
John began collecting in 1973 until his mom threw all the cans away!  He started up again in 1975, joined the BCCA in 1980 and has never let up.  He is a collector primarily of flat tops and cone tops, along with pre-1960 breweriana from the St. Louis area.  John was one of the original four members who conceived and started the Rusty Bunch Chapter at the Houston CANvention in 1983. For seven years he wrote a column for the BCCA magazine, at the time known as “The Dumpers Almanac.”

John has been the Rusty Bunch President once and its Vice President twice.  He has attended 31 CANventions and played guitar with (and sometimes serving as organizer of) the “Rusty Bottom Boys” band.  He has served on the Board of Directors for two chapters: the Gateway Chapter (early 1980s) and KC’s Best (late 1980s).

For the past ten years he has been on the Gateway Chapter’s Board of Directors.  John was involved with the planning and implementation of both the 1995 and 2021 BCCA CANventions in St. Louis.  He has been involved with the BCCA Gift Management Committee since its inception and has been Committee Chairman since 2018.

Dan Bora
#27235 - 2024
Dan started collecting as a kid in 1975, riding his bike to attend a beer can show in his hometown of Clawson, MI. He joined the BCCA in 1989 and has attended twenty CANventions since 1990. He joined the Rusty Bunch at the 1990 CANvention and in 1998 started the Rusty Bunch website, which 26 years later is still one of the top Beer Can websites.

Dan has been a member of the Michigan Chapter since 1989 and hosted its spring show for ten years. He supplied the sound system for their shows well into the 2000s. He is also a member of the Buckeye Chapter and administrates the websites for both chapters. Dan produced BCCA Hall of Fame member Dick Adamowicz’s “BCCA – The Early Years” video for the BCCA’s archives and provided shuttle service to the airport during the 2004 CANvention in Dearborn, MI.

He was an inaugural inductee into the Rusty Bunch Hall of Fame in 2011 and, in 2015, he joined the BCCA web team charged with reinventing the club’s website. He recently was part of the new member database/website integration.

Dan has dumped with 33 other Rusty Bunch members in 11 states throughout the years. If you’ve been to the Rusty Bunch’s Spring Show or its Friday Night hospitality bash at CANvention, you’ve seen him playing stunt guitar with the Rusty Bunch band.


Jeff Lebo
#15105 - 2024
Jeff began collecting beer cans in 1975 at the age of thirteen. In 1978, he found out about the BCCA and has been a dedicated member ever since. He is grateful to the BCCA for creating a wonderful community of friends who share his passion for collecting and brewery history and to all the people who have given their time and talents to make our club a reality.

Jeff has attended thirty-four CANventions and served on the BCCA Board of Directors in 2001-2002. He is a member of the Keystone, OC/OC, Richbrau, Rusty Bunch, Lake Erie and Packer chapters and was vice president of the Keystone Chapter for many years. He has served as chairman or co-chairman of the Spring Thaw show in Harrisburg, PA for more than twenty years.

Jeff collects beer cans, soda cans and breweriana from around the world. In 1998, Jeff designed and built Brewhouse Mountain, a 6,000 square foot home for his collection that is regarded as the world’s largest collection of beer cans, with more than 120,000 different ones.

Jeff is the founder of CanSmart Auctions, an online auction service specializing in beer cans and brewery collectibles. Jeff and his wife Lauri split their time between their home in Pennsylvania and their vacation home in Uvita, Costa Rica.


Jim Friesen

#23902  - 2024

Jim began collecting in 1975, discovered the North Star Chapter and BCCA in 1982, and joined both in 1983. In 1985, he took a strong interest

in foreign cans and began trading with collectors overseas. He served as North Star Vice-President and board member for several years.

In 1995 he became Vice-President of the One Can One Country (OCOC) Chapter, then served as President and editor of their award-winning
newsletter for over a dozen years. In pursuit of cans from around the globe, Jim has traveled to shows in a number of countries, as well as
around the U.S. He’s been an active member of several BCCA chapters and beer clubs in other countries.

Jim has attended 25 BCCA CANventions. They’re often the highlight of his year, where he gets to renew old friendships and meet new
collectors, too. For many years, he has volunteered to work at the CANvention sales tables or other places where help is needed. Once again
he hopes to see you on the CANvention floor this fall, where he will be seeking out old friends, and hopefully some elusive OCOC cans.



The posthumous Hall of Fame induction was created in 2008. Winners are selected by a committee of past presidents to recognize deserving BCCA members who have passed away. The award is not presented every year.

Dan Andrews
#2954 - 2008

Jack Kellogg
#12115 - 2009

Dave Van Hine
#1902 - 2010

Chuck Hillyer
#23705 - 2011

Jerry Trowbridge
#24070 - 2012

Vic Olson
#3323 - 2015

Don Johnston
#7367 - 2018

Jim Mahler
#27267 - 2019

Herb Haydock
#1855 - 2021

John Fredrickson
#1855 - 2022

John McGuire
#4698 - 2023


Juan Carlos De Marco

#33093 - 2024



In Honor of Denver Wright, Jr’s wife, Lois, this award, established in 2015, honors female BCCA members (or family members) for longtime commitment to the hobby and club. The award is not presented every year.

Gerry Schwarz

#11992 - 2015

Paula Fatura
#30483 - 2016

Kathy Covell
#27099 - 2018

Bette  Fay
#33397 - 2021

Jane Wolf
#25068 - 2023


When created in 1975, this was the BCCA’s Presidential Award. In 2008 the name was changed to the Don Hicks Presidential Award to honor Don for his many accomplishments during more than 35 years of service to the BCCA. The award was renamed again in 2023 to the Don and Tobi hicks Presidential Award. This award is not presented every year.